Unique views on music, politics, life.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
Be Ye Warned...
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Good Times, Great Friends
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Hurricane Brandensbaked
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Today's Record
K I'm Home Early
Friday, September 23, 2005
I Am In Portland!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Fact Filled Fucking Post

This morning on my way to work I spotted this dude hacking away at his hedge. On the surface, not very metal. However, this particular dude happened to be in long black pants and a black leather jacket. Yardwork in leather is very metal. *When I say metal, I'm simultaneously making devil horns with my right hand*
Remember Butter? Yeah, stop it. Now and forever they shall be known as SKIDMORE They will be LIVE! Saturday at a bar called Brightwood Tavern in the town of Bridgewood. All the people who said "say that ten times fast", should go in their bathroom and shoot themselves in the head. Repeat if necessary. Anyway, Brightwood Tavern is located at 63010 E Brightwood, Bridgewood, OR 97011 Their phone # is (503) 622-4719. Tickets can be purchased at the door, but ladies bring your knee-pads and lip-gloss just in case. SKIDMORE is a pleasant blend of styles, think Santana, Rush, and 2LO. I haven't heard their singer yet, but if he is anything like me, he kicks ass.
Friday night I will be at the Safari with my favorite strippers, Namely, one Mary St. Clare. Cold Coronas, shots of 1800, and titties. That is all I need to say about that. Word.
BooRippinRadly is off to Vegas for the weekend. Hmmm, I wonder which of us will have the better time. The smart money is on brandensbaked, cause that mutherfucker is dialed in. Word.
Well I'm off to clean up my Explorer. Explorer, Safari, hilarious. My life is a fucking riot.
The Banner Jump LIVE!
September 27 @ Rebar in Seattle.
October 8 @ Hansen's in Bremerton.
October 21 @ J.A. Michaels in Port Orchard.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
New Show Added!

The Banner Jump will be appearing LIVE!! at Hansens in Bremerton on Saturday October 8th.
Yes, our hot bassplayer will be there. Will you?
Will the guy in the white baseball hat be there?
I guess you'll just have to show up and find the answers yourself. Former Supercell bassman 2Lo will be taking his new band Butter off of some sweet jumps this Saturday, September 24 in the Mt. Hood, Oregon area. X was too weak to type the details in an unsent email, so we'll nail down the particulars in tomarrow's fact-filled post. Stay tuned. Peace and Titties Mutherfuckers.
brandensbaked has left the building.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
KGB Picked Up By Local Authorities

This KGB cell was picked up Saturday night by local authorities and taken to an undisclosed location for interrogation. "Yeah, we will burn these fuckers with a lighter to get what we want. It's a post 9/11 world", stated a high official who wished to remain anonymous. This may not be the only cell in our area. Citizens should not try to apprehend KGB themselves, but should call an expert for capture and disposal, uh, interrogation.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Madden 2005 Final Notes
The Dawgs sodomized the Vandals. Now I like the state of Idaho, but business is business. Please let this be the start of a rampaging fire island football trend .
The Wolves destroyed the Roughriders of Port Angeles. Now, I was born in P.A. but as I stated before, it's business. It's also football. It's the business of playing football. Way to go fuckers.
If the Shehawks can pull a win out of their ass, we will be back on track. I will not hold my breath.
If I can find a bag of KGB, all will be right in the world.
Thinking about a trip to P-Town next weekend. Dude I know, it's been too fucking long. Life is too short, I've got to keep my priorities straight. Mmmmmmm, I miss you Mary St. Claire.
P.S. This post has an extraordinary number of references that may be construed as "gay". We here at brandensbaked have always thought of pussy as God(titties are angels), and will continue to worship at the "Y". A high number of man on man sex analogies is only a poopy coincidence.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Listen and Repeat
You like music? Well, do you punk?
The new joint from The Jump.
Fucking free kick ass music.
Get it while it's hot. Drop it on your friends.
Tell 'em brandensbaked sent ya.
Now get outa here before I change my mind.
Friday's blatherings
Been smokin' da kief, good for the head but hard on the lungs. The Daily Show special report, "Evolution Smevolution" was a bit of a dud in my opinion. I would have preferred more current events. The Shehawks play the Falcons Sunday, I predict a win for one of them. Dawgs and Idaho, no you da ho, come on Dawgs suck it up! South Kitsap is 0-2. My football world has been turned upside down. Damn you Bush, I don't know how you're doing it, but I know you're involved somehow. Where the hell is the new Tool album?
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Hump Day- Oh Yeah!
My peeps and I are playing the USA Today Pigskin Picks game and I am firmly entrenched in last place. One hundred bucks per, winner takes all. Perhaps I'm playin' possum. Or, maybe just a tough week to pick winners. I'll report and decide.
Jon Stewart is examining the debate over evolution/intelligent design all week on The Daily Show. You want my opinion? Tough shit, you're getting it anyway. It seems the conservatives are all fucking retarded, so putting the word "intelligent" in any conservative theory is an oxymoron. Maybe they would consider renaming said theory to "Retarded Slobberings of Holy Rollers Looking for Hugs". At least I could laugh at that.
Lunch is over, back to the project...
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Finally, Some Good News
U.S. District Judge James Robart(what a stand-up guy) yesterday declared Seattle's 17-year moratorium on processing new strip-club applications illegal and blasted the city for "selectively" upholding the First Amendment.
"Try to be more like P-town, you miserable fucks!" brandensbaked yelled from behind Judge Robart. "They make us drink overpriced non-alcoholic girly man drinks too", brandensbaked sneered. "Tell 'em to sell beer like P-town, or you'll make every titty bar a monorail stop", brandensbaked suggested.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Somebody call 9-1-1
Bush, Cheney, and all them fat cat fuckers are using Katrina just like they used 9/11 and Iraq, to line the pockets of the fucking fascist elite. George, your fucking bitch mother has got, I say, has got to be a tranny. The calves on that bitch, I mean fuuuuuuuck. Was it her tender mothering that made you so fucking incompetent? Did she slip you the finger or what? Fuck all you Bush fucking fucks. Fuck you Holmgren. Go fuck yourself Cheney. I feel better now.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
The Banner Jump: Live!

October 21, 2005- J.A. Michaels in Port Orchard.
All the cool kids will be there, will you?
Hear The Banner Jump Now!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Advice for the male youngsters who wish to rock...

Happy B-day to my bros boy G! Good advice...If you take all your drugs(drop acid at school), tap all the bitches you can(lie if you have too), know the clitoris for it is your friend, shun all organized religon, make and follow your own law, don't accept Canadian coins, never shit at home, never sweat at work, profit in the black market economy, only then will you fucking rock and be a rocking fuck, like your evil uncle brandensbaked!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Labor Day could be better if...
President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894. The occasion was first observed on Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City. A parade was organized by the city's Central Labor Union. I'm glad I don't have to watch a parade on Labor Day. Parades suck.
According to Ted Watt's The First Labor Day Parade, the September date was chosen because it coincided with a Knights of Labor conference in New York. In 1887, Oregon became the first state to make Labor Day an official holiday. Oregon kicks much ass. I guess I would like a parade if it was made up of strippers. Hell, I might even be in a parade if it was all strippers and I could just get table dances for the whole route. Damn, I may be on to something. Stay tuned for the first annual brandensbaked Stripper Day parade! Wow, Stripper Day. Word.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Perhaps I was a tad callus
Other news: Band practice tonight! Hurray! BooRippinRadly is on holiday with DJ K. Went to see Pearl Jam at the Gorge. I fucking love that place this time of year. I saw Stevie Ray Vaughn with BooRippinRadly on his last Washington gig before his untimely death, and the sunset was so beautiful he paused the show to make note of it. Peace and titties.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Free Downloads from...
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Ahhh, fall is in the air.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Wow! Wh,wh,wh,what,what a gr, gr, gr, what a gr,
Friday, August 26, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
One Hundredth!
Other shit: I finally got my phone. D. is coming Sept 16. Dominated DougJones at Madden last night 70-36. Ruby married JDBoom... Ruby Boom. That is a fucking porn star name if I've ever heard one. Late.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Hump Day

Or for those readers who choose not to work...Dry Hump Day.
Two days until we take the set off some sweet jumps.
My beloved V710 should be here Thursday.
Pat, I accept your apology, and I'm sorry I gave you a swirly. That was uncalled for. At least I should have cleared the bowl first.
Madden update: Hawkeye holds brandensbaked to 37 points. brandensbaked holds Hawkeye to 36.
Iron Maiden calls Ozzfest crowd vile. You guys just don't get it anymore. Time to not play. It was 22 years ago I had my mind blown on the Piece of Mind tour. Now 6,872,346 bonghits later, Iron Maiden are officially old. Yet the Stones push on. Go figure. Bring your Great- granddaughter to the Slaughter. Good thing I sold my soul to the Devil. Peace and titties bitches.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson continues his gangsta style tough love when he announces Hugo Chavez, the commie loving, democratically elected president of Venezuela, should be whacked by U.S. covert ops. Pat, shut your pie hole you little fuck stain. I know fifteen year old girls that would toss your fucking salad, you little bitch. It's like you got skull fucked by Satan and what little brains you had are now running out of your nostrils.
Other news: The cell phone saga continues with the baked one being put on a waiting list like a God damned commoner. Fuck! I'll be sending out smoke signals until my number comes up. Peace. Except for you Pat, you dumb fuck. You need to listen to Monster Magnet. Word.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
DANZIG plays the Premier club on 10/04.
I took a personality test...I am
| Random Brutal Sex Master (RBSMm) The Hornivores (you) are some of the most screwed up and naughty beings in the Universe. And their numbers are growing, mostly due to skipped or misused contraception. You care not. There's one thing you want, one sole need. Half manly, half bestial, you act on instinct, and animal charisma smoothes the way. It's unlikely
For the record, you can happily bang all personality types, however your match percentages might be low with the kinder, more sensible people of the world, purely because they all wish to avoid you. Good luck to them. "One day, the villagers came with torches to the house. In the smoldering ashes, stray dogs looked for cooked flesh." AVOID: The Priss, The Sonnet CONSIDER: Half-Cocked, Genghis Khunt |
Friday, August 19, 2005
Puff Daddy?P Diddy?Diddy?Piddle?

What the fuck is with Puffingus Wolfgang Daddyshome? That mutherfucker changes his name more than the Braindarts. More than Musclefuzz. More than ThanxMcDragster.
The fucker is not even a little bit funny. Tom Cruise is funnier. Margarett Cho is funnier. Even the dumbfuck Howard "Oh I'd give you anal" Stern is funnier(barely).
He can't fucking dance without looking retarded, and that mutherfucker couldn't rap a gift. Why is he rich and famous? Well, he's famous cause he is rich and a shameless self promoter. Why is he rich? Fucker.
Diddy just swing his arms back and forth like Barney doing the elephant dance?
Diddy just stink up that nelly single with his faggot ass wankster wap?
I wonder who he blew at MTV? Maybe his road to the top was paved with the sounds of piddle gagging on shlong. He sure ain't no stinking talent scout. Making the band? Nigga pleeeeeeaaaaase.
That fucker should be eating egg shells topped with coffee grounds out of my garbage can. Damn you God!!! Why must you torment me so? Have you no sense of justice?
Suck Daddy, you need to quit recording yourself. Quit finding your way on to TV. Quit changing your suck-ass stupid name. You want to know what's up? I'll tell you what's up.
Listen to MonsterMagnet you talentless fuck!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Listen up! I have an announcement.
"Y" was pupae.
Behold! The fully-formed creature finally emerges as The Banner Jump.
"Y" shall henceforth be known as The Banner Jump.
Please accept my personal invitation and join The Banner Jump. On August 26,
at J.A. Michaels in Port Orchard. Word.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Hawkeye goes off!
New show date: August 26,2005 @ J.A. Micheals. Groupies needed.
Today marks the beginning of the cycle. The beginning, not the start.
No phone... Resolution tomorrow, I hope.
(y-1)b=The Banner Jump
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Oh, it's heating up.

Everytime I see Michelle Malkin talk, I try to block out all of the words and just focus on her pouty lips. She opens her mouth, then kinda wraps her lips over her teeth, ya know, like she is imitating someone with no teeth, then she undulates 'em like the muscles in her digestive tract. If the sound is down, that fucking ho can be purdy hot. But alas, the fantasy is broken when your brain registers what the dumb bitch is spittin. What the fuck is wrong with these fucking lemmings? I find it hard to believe that all republicans think exactly alike. Maybe the assholes killed all the smart G.O.P. members. *turns out lights, then places flashlight under chin shining upward* Or worse..... Perhaps they are aliens, like in The Faculty, a movie in which aliens take over the bodies of all the teachers at a high school. Luckily, an independent thinking young meth dealer is kind enough to use his stash to save the world. See meth is a diuretic, which dries out and kills the evil republicans, oh, I mean aliens. Mmmmmm. Lemme make a couple of phone calls, I'll see if I can round up enough shit to kill all the "aliens".
What to watch!
What do silence, river rafting, and Amish girls...
While the Amish girls were not in any of my pockets, they did offer an interesting twist to the trip, right around what BooRadly fondly refers to as "Pecker Point". This is a 30 foot tall, towering mass of rock, that begs the drunks to jump. Oh, and the drunks oblige. My posse pulled off at the beach which accesses the rock, to hopefully witness some pain(from guys) or some t&a(from the girls). Thank Allah, we gots both. I sidled up to a fine ass brunette in a bikini to watch the show. Shortly after, a boat load of Amish teens pulled their horse drawn raft over, and a couple of girls in ankle length dresses and bonnets(no shit) began to climb up the rock. I turned to the betty next to me and said, "if that bitch jumps, I'll jump". Well, that bitch fucking jumped. Fuck. Me and my big mouth. So I climbed up and jumped. Nothing bad came of it, except a couple of bruised butt cheeks. Hawkeye soon followed with his trademarked grace(read-went in cockeyed). Now the good part. The hot brunette climbed up the rock, jumped and came out of the water with one mighty fine titty hanging right where brandensbaked likes, out in the fresh air. Mmmmmm. Thanks. If only the camera phone could have lived to share the moment with us. Peace and titties mutherfuckers.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
O.K. Stupid

What a fan-fucking-tastic Saturday! Some people say summer is back. Summer never left bitches! It just stayed in bed for a couple of days after partying with brandensbaked and his crew. Check out this site, it is called O.K. Cupid. It is chock fucking full-O-betties! A word of caution though, dykes and queers lurk in the shadowy regions between sexes. Going river rafting Sunday with Hawkeye and DMac? Me too! Wow, what a fucking coincidence. Hawks put the smackdown on the mighty Saints(that's sarcasm for the uninitiated). Speaking of smackdowns, I turned Hawkeye over my knee and paddled his ass till it glowed red in the dark, metaphorically speaking of Madden of course. 'Twas 14-0 at halftime. 21-0 at the end of the third quarter. I was gunning for a shutout, but alas the wiley Hawkeye managed to score on a long pass in the fourth. I denied him the two-point conversion, and scored 14 myself. Final score: brandensbaked 35, Hawkeye Limpdick 6. Now by my calculations, the week ends with brandensbaked scoring 135, Lazyeye Longboard managing just 50 points over three games. Too bad I never get to play the Portland mutherfuckers. Watch your fucking back Butter. Yeah, I'm looking at you, and where the fuck are my Butter trax? Sticky fingered bitches.
Remember Metallica's Garage Days Re-revisited? I busted that shit out, fuck-n-a, that is probably their fourth best album. No, not probably. That is their fourth best album.
1.Kill 'em all
2.Master of Puppets
3.Ride the Lightning
4.Garage Days Re-revisited
See, I told you. When I talk about music you better fucking listen. You'll just end up listening to Staind and Nickelback if you're left to your own devices. NOW LISTEN THE FUCK UP!!!
Listen to MonsterMagnet. Listen to MonsterMagnet. Listen. You cannot listen when you're waiting to speak. Start with Dopes To Infinity.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Thursday Blotter
Wednesday night Madden was a lot like Tuesday's. brandensbaked jumped out to a 14-0 lead by the end of the first quarter. Two plays on offense, two touchdowns. Halftime saw brandensbaked enjoying a 20-6 advantage. By the end of the third, Hawkeye was praying for a miracle, as he was down 28-6. With 2 seconds left in the game, Hawkeye had the ball, but was down 43-18. I was hoping to score fifty, and had said as much, when Longboard gifted me with an interception that I ran back, back, back, and scored with a zero on the clock. After an extra point, I reveled in my own adoration. Final score, brandensbaked 50, Hawkeye Longboard, a limp and shriveled 18.
Other news: Ozzfest today. No, I'm not there. Apparently, I'm here. That sucks. Band practice tonight. That kicks ass. See how I did that? Lemons-lemonade. It's easy. If I could find a way to make pussy out of lemons, I'd be rich, no, I'd be completely buried in citrus scented pussy. Word.
P.S. Meteor shower tonight after midnight!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
In my mind, confusion gathers here.
Simply put, my motives are unclear.
Threads of time, they're weaving into years.
When I'm a wading through the lies,
Some signs of life are hard to come by.
So much to gain by candlelight,
No need to thank me, we're all wasted.
Buried effects of bloody knees.
I'll go to hell, it's cold there right now.
Time's just my chemical mystery.
Hey it's my turn to drive this spaceship!
Lurking is a secret. Everybody wants it, but it keeps on changing, so nobody gets it.
Gimme back my circle. Listen to the lesson. All you dirty people, you're in violation.
You're feeling jaded. Tune in the station. We're all wearing white tongues, in this blotter nation.
You don't have to walk there, just because the shoe fits. Nobody's laughing, 'cause nobody gets it.
Touch me now, if you dare.
Just give in, to desires and to fear.
Let me drink, from the beauty that you bare.
I'm proficient in, in all your evil wares.
Planets align so I can see.
I multiply my will that's melting.
Trippin' to sounds that may not be.
Succumb to death? Now that's not healthy.
Working the room it's sad to see,
Nobody knows they're in the system.
Lonely's a word for privacy.
Clock on the wall, it can't control me.
All rights reserved mutherfuckers.
Madden Update
Other news: Eval got her walking papers! Sloppy work Eval. Sloppy work.
If you are wondering why the Flicker link at the bottom of the page no longer shows my photos, I got the boot. Apparently, I failed to read the user agreement(duh), and I may have violated it's edicts(not to mention many of the laws in the Bible-belt) with my "art". I would like to appologize to anyone who stumbled accross bare breasts, unknowingly, who wished to remain ignorant as to the explanation of the two protruding mounds located chest high on most women(and fat men). We here at brandensbaked try to maintain the high standards set by our journalistic heros, like Bill shoves his own cock up his ass O'Riley, Sean cum guzzlin' till it dribbles down the chin Hannity, and Ann that bitch needs to get fucked properly Coulter. So when I say, "No, fuck you!", I mean it from the bottom of my cold, black heart. Peace,
Monday, August 08, 2005
Many thanks!
Other news...
I'm fucking baked.
I'm bucking faked.
It wipes the smile from my face.
When I step out of line it tends to quicken the pace.
When I hit from the bong it's like the stupid invades.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
So...What's next?
Going river rafting Sunday with my boy DMac(f.k.a. "Groper"). Going down the Yakima River.
Used to date a girl from Yakima, got a table dance from her twin sister at Players Club in Tacoma.
I just want to get around share the love share the love. Word.
Again I'd like to shout out to my peeps, thanks for your support.
Wanted to see "The Devil's Rejects", but only one showing at 10:40PM. What the fuck? Guess I'll wait for the DVD.
I'll leave you with a quote:
Super's the way I spend my time
Cells are the building blocks of life
Put 'em together and you get
Strippers and high at 3 AM
The triumphant return of the forgotten vowel...Y
I'm the kind of guy that says, "viciouspuddin is delicious".
BooRad, Rantall, Heather and Junger- Thanks! I had a fucking blast...Prost!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Guest Columnist
2 men, one Caucasian and Hispanic driving 2 separate vehicle, same color last seen heading North bound around 11:AM. These men are considered armed and dangerous and may attack at a moments notice. Rumor has it they are heading to the Long Lake area.
In Sport's
X brought his game 2LO was 5-0 until I crossed the Washington boarder to go home 5-2 rrrrrrrrrr
I have yet played the bake master himself but the time is near I feel. "FUCK" well looks like X has claimed another victory.
2HI,2LO and X play longest jam session ever recorded. The members of Super Cell were reunited with the added effects of Butter.
HOT and sunny.
Friday, August 05, 2005
The Side.....
Lets do dis....
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Whaling Days
When I step out of line...
Maybe I'll see you there.
Friday, July 29, 2005
What a fine, fine Friday.

Frige (Anglo-Saxon, Friia (Germany) or Frea (Langobard)) was the love goddess of Germanic mythology, and the wife of Wotan (Odin). She has given her name to the weekday Friday in analogy with Venus. In the last surviving and by far best known version of Germanic mythology, Norse mythology, she had split into two clearly related goddesses, the promiscuous Freya who was married to Odr and the sometimes unfaithful Frigg who was the wife of Odin. Now that you know, you can tell 'em that.
Practice went well last night, shit is coming together nicely. We took the songs off of some sweet jumps. Eight days left. I'll see ya at Scarlets after the show.
Seven days until our field trip.
Nine days till The Devils Rejects.
I am growing sideburns. First time ever. Don't try to stop me, I've made up my mind. Bringing back the soul patch too, a.k.a. the taint tickler.
JimiSings- Is that vinyl siding? Sweet. Out of eight million sperm, I can't believe you won. I'm watchin you mutherfucker. I'm watchin you.
No word from the T man, hope all is well. Visualize freedom.
I don't have a girlfriend, but apparently I fucked her sister at Morrison Gravel pit in 1987. That's two out of three. If I could get the last one, boy that would be something. A trip trip triple shot of poooootang.
Shout out to my peeps in P town, I miss our little safari trips (wipes away solitary tear).
Crushed Hawkeye in Madden, I put 84 points on him. Ouch.
That's all for now mutherfuckers, remember, cash money plays. Peace and titties.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Last Night an Angel...
"Why then?" I whispered.
"To remind you of God's plan for your life" the being replied.
"Don't tell me God's plan, for I am a prophet. And why aren't you wearing pants?" I asked.
"They make me look fat, now listen" the angel implored.
"You are to take the flock and shepherd them to the truth" floating above me, the angel continued. "You are to disseminate knowledge of carnal pleasures to the people and give out nuggets of useful and useless information, and most importantly, you must smoke as much of the chronic as you can, lest the non-believers use it to dazzle the souls that stray".
"Duh!" I spat. "I already do that. Read the fucking blog you stupid angel."
With that, it disappeared.
Other stuff: With the bright sunlight this time of year, it is important to remember to pluck the long hairs wherever they grow wild, or your silhouette is sure to reveal your primal monkey ears.
Nose hair is another summertime no no. Keep it short, for it is like neck hair, but in the front.
Ten days to CI, eleven to the show.
Peace and titties, cash money plays.
Seattle Hempfest
Lot of stinky hippies, but lots of....Yes, you know.... Cummon say it with me.... TITTIES
Monday, July 25, 2005
Weekly recap
P.S. Check out the comments on the last post...
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Stick this in your pipe and smoke it.
Last evening Mike and I stabbed some poppies and made dubes, made poppy tea, and ate poptarts, while a guy in parachute pants did some popping. The skychurch(think about it) was perfect for the event. It inspires me to work in my yard. Word.
I am thinking about starting a cult, any ideas are appreciated.
I have two openings in my posse, one midget(male) and one albino(male or female).
Twelve days until our field trip.
Thirteen days until the show at Hansen's.
Saturday, July 23, 2005

Friday, July 22, 2005
Fifteen shopping days.
Rove got busted for talkin shit. If that fat-faced piece-of-shit talked shit about my wife, I'd beat his disrespectful ass. I'd shove his balls up his ass, so when he shits, he shits on his balls. Watch your fuckin mouth Karl.
Two weeks till our field trip. Get yer permission slips signed and turned in. Wrap a Coke in aluminum foil and freeze that mutherfucker. I know what yer thinkin, but I've seen people do it. Any one have the wall disk 2? IIIIIII caaaaaaaan't heeeeeeeeere yoooooouuuuuuu. Can a mutherfucker get a hallelujah?
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Hey 2Lo!
Friends forever,
Monday, July 18, 2005
What a gas.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Congrats to...
Friday, July 15, 2005
Friday...My favorite day-O-the week.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
W W W Wow, What a gr gr gr great cr cr crowd.
I am now firmly entrenched as 2nd chair guitar in the band formerly known as Y. Oooooh and I am goooooood. Why not treat yourself and come out to Hansen's in Bremerton(1220 Sylvan Way, Bremerton, WA 98310) on Aug. 6, and watch us fuck it up, say about 8ish? Great. After the show, come up and introduce yourself. If you have nice tits, maybe I'll let you carry some equipment out to the Bronco. If you're female, maybe you can help me unload at Chez Brandensbaked.
X, you better practice up son, God help you, I'm gonna abuse you on the Madden. Maybe you should bring your PS2, just so there are no Xcuses. You dig? Bring your acoustic guitar.
Hawkeye, make sure any taxes that need to be filed are squared away. You dig? Bring the Groper.
2Lo, you bring your golden straw, the one with the wheel at the bottom. You dig? Good. Party party party. Bring your acoustic bass.
Ricksbaked, ditto. I know you dig. Oh, your bro is playing too, so tell five or ten of your siblings to come and show their support. You are covered.
JimiSings, cancel your trip to Seattle. Dig? Good. Tell all the usual suspects. Hansen's, 8ish.
Follow the link at the bottom of this post for a map and driving directions. CDs available next week, or you can get one at the show.
Other business:
Have you mutherfuckers been catching The Daily Show ? Watch the show. Watch it! It will make you laugh, and informed. Another entertaining source for current events is Countdown on MSNBC.
I'll see you at Scarlet's after the show. Peace and titties...
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Thanx X you are Xcellent xcept when you double x
Monday, July 11, 2005
Maddening isn't it?
Hey Boone...
I would.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Beware the evil eye.
Watch your back Mac...
Fuck n a. Nice finish M's. Only nine games under .500.
Friday, July 01, 2005
For Those about to Rock...
I find great irony in the fact that Independence Day is celebrated by so many couples.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Happy B-Day Hawkeye!!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Are You Lost Ma'am?
18 and Lost In San Francisco- 18 year old girls from all over the country are losing their hearts and much, much more in San Francisco. Our story follows a group of them who are determined to dominate the boys with their young, restless bodies. Featuring Kristina Black, Jubilee and Taylor Rain. I rate this porno a single thumb up. The highest we have. Perfect tits. Splendid ass. GTG.*
*Good to go.
Yeah right.
As the news continues to point to China's growing economy as the major source of new oil demand, which results in higher prices, I wonder how much gas we are using while chasing insurgents in Iraq? Peace...Please?
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Metaphors Movies and Mescaline
- Queen
- Queensryche
- Queens of the Stone Age
*Can also lead to confusion, misunderstandings, and paranoid delusions.
Friday, June 24, 2005
They Should Have Asked Me...
Jack Kavorkian should have asked me, "Go for the fame and glory, or lay low killing them softly?"
Bill Clinton should have asked me, "Is a pearl necklace an appropriate gift for my intern?"
Dwayne Hully should have asked me, "Is home-invasion armed robbery economicly viable long term?"
Def Leppard should have asked me, "What's lamer than a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest?"
My "friends" should have asked me, "Would you marry her mother, dumbass?"
Marc Pacheco should have asked me, "Should I try to be the man?"
Leather should have asked me, "Are you just saying that so I'll sleep with you?"
Thursday, June 23, 2005
I Wish.....
Sam Long is pregnant. Mike quit Y. There is no "Y" in team. There is no "Y" in brandensbaked, but is there brandens baked in "Y"? Ozzfest is Aug. 11. Me and Mike went to the first Ozzfest at the Tacoma Dome in 1996. One word- DANZIG! I have finished the Charvel/Jackson I've been working on for four years. It is my legacy. Dropped an EMG-81 in the bridge position. I also tune down one half step, but I'll tune to "E" for "Y"! "K"? I just thought of an other recurring- feature I can do: They Should Have Asked Me. Stay tuned...
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
What the fuck?
Duuuuuuuude! Thiiiiiiinnnnnk about it. Vince is gonna walk right up, real close, in Satan's face, and like go "MOTLEY!!!!!!!!" as fuckin loud as he can. Fuck yeah. In your mutherfuckin face mutherfucker! Fuuuuuuuuck Youuuuuuuu!
Rock fuckin on Vince. You fuckin ROCK(I am making devil horns with right hand, tongue fully extended, like the bastard son of Gene Simmons and Ronnie James Dio, while eating barbecue sauce-slathered chicken strips with the left).
Don't even get me started on all the, ya know, deeper and like, hidden meanings. Fuck. Deeeeeep. If you play the record backwards, ya know, like, high on weed, you can hear this little chipmunk voice say....."Vince is fat Vince is fat Vince is fat" I know back then he must have had, like, satanic powers and stuff, because he made make-up and leather pants look tough. Tell em what's up with the name dudes. We are a gang of ne'er-do-wells and scallywags. We scoff at your conventional gender roles, look down our make-up covered noses at your leatherless wardrobes, and we ROCK! Do you remember? Well I remeeeeemberer. It sucks to be irrelevant. Peace....
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Crazy? Pt. 2: Voices in my house/head
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Crazy? Pt.1:Path Etiquette
P.S. In other news- this long cycle ended today.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Welcome back mutherfucker
Sunday, June 12, 2005
X and 2Lo= Butter
Friday, June 10, 2005
Bullshit- no way man
Sunday, May 08, 2005
May day, May day.
Friday, April 01, 2005
Fools beware...

I caught this one sneaking around the place after dark. She won't trouble us no more. Where did I put my torture gloves?
Thursday, March 17, 2005
St. Patrick.....What's this guys deal?
If I'm gone for awhile....Chill out, follow some links-> I'll be back!
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Rejuvenated and Inspired
Friday, March 11, 2005
Goodbye Cruel World
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
WASSup Cluckers?
Just so you know, 7:06 is
Friday, March 04, 2005
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful...
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
CIA plot revealed in Bible Code!!!!
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
I'm gonna be fine....
Monday, February 28, 2005
Ohhhhh, me achin head...
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Trapped in a glass box:

BooRippinRadley and Cruiser frying balls. I ran across this while looking for pics of Sid. I believe it's Halloween of 1990. Kind of an Evil Mime vibe, don't you think? Don't know what ever became of Cruiser. He was mentally challenged before he started partying with us. Ahhhh, remember when we could score acid. Those were the days.

It's been three years since Sid passed on. Hard to believe. Miss ya dawg! Hope you have a sunbeam to lay in, wherever you are.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Wonderful dream!
Bush's smokescreen foiled by Wead
Now, I'm not sure if this conversation actually took place. No one is. Until the actual tapes are released, we can only speculate on the transcripts accuracy. I can, however, confirm, that we in the NW are indeed liberal, at least those of us with an I.Q. above 80(mine is 144, ha!). I also must admit, that a tree feels pretty good to hug, although that's between me and the tree and the midget and the stripper. Finally, since the word is out, I will admit, that we are indeed, hoarding the lions share, of the country's green bud supply. As to the rest of the conversation, I'm just reporting it the way I heard it. Should the transcripts be proven accurate, it only confirms what most of us suspected, it's tough to speak in public when your fucking baked. Have you ever ruled the world... on weed? It's a trip.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
The Real Story
This is how it went down. I have been a huge Monster Magnet fan since BooRippenRadly and T-man, were living in Idaho, no you da ho, ho. Anyway, that was like, the summer Kiss did their reunion tour, '96 I think. The first time I heard "Black Balloon" off of Superjudge, they've been as close to an idol as I've had, since I realized how fucking gay it is to wear spandex and hairspray. In fact, spandex is gay all by it self(while hairspray is only effeminate). I went to see them a couple of years ago, when Powertrip came out, but due to forces beyond my control(my insatiable thirst), I only got to see their last two songs. I don't know if they toured for God says No, but I didn't hear anything. So when I found out they were coming this summer, I got tix for Seattle and P-town. Needless to say, my celebration began three days prior to their arrival in P-town, the first show. The day of that first show was a remarkable display of chemical, biological, and astrological forces, combining to create a situation where I, brandensbaked, was more like Monster Magnet, than Monster Magnet. As you can imagine, I immediately began grooving with this chick. I believe I opened with, "Are you wearing lingerie for a shirt? Cause I love me some strippers!" As the music grooved, I grooved. Totally blew her mind. I told X and 2Lo(who were with me), I found true love. Why didn't those mutherfuckers tackle my drunk, beer goggle wearin ass, and shuttle me to safety. I ended up dry-humpin this bitch till there was smoke rollin off my 501's. Even after daylight, my blood was still mostly chemicals suspended in alcohol. In this condition my judgement can't be trusted. Duh. Somehow I made it back to my truck in time to drive home, catch a couple hours of sleep, and hit the Seattle show. BooRadly drove, and we met up with Jimisings. Great finish to a five day liver triathalon. What a fucking week that was. Somehow, in all the excitement, I had agreed to attend Farm Aid with this very special lady, about three weeks later in my neck of the woods. As the day approached, I struggled to form a clear picture of her in my mind. Drawing from my battered memory, I recalled hopefully, that she was pretty hot. As I went out to my driveway to reunite with my mystery girl, my senses were assaulted with an image that left me limp and tentative. What we have here, is a classic two-facer. Fuck. She, on the other hand, was all over me (I'm good lookin for real). The weather was crap, but the concert was interesting. You thought I was gonna run, didn't you. Nope, I manned up and did what I said I'd do. She had reserved us a room at a local motel, which means we're goin all the way. I should add here, she paid for everything, even drinks, though I offered many times. After a day spent watching the show, and chuggin five dollar beers, we retired to our accommodations. I will spare you the gruesome details, but we had intimate relations, lets just leave it at that. Lets not. Why did I do it? So I could cum. Duh. I couldn't jerk-off with her in the room. That would be even creepier. After a lackluster performance that left one of us unsatisfied, and the other one queasy, I knew in my guilty, panic-ridden mind, I would never see her again. Luckily, she had to return to Beaverton (I know, it's hell funny, beaverton!) early Sunday for a wedding. I broke off all contact. For a month I didn't answer her many, many, calls or emails. Finally, she quit calling. I know, I'm a jerk. I relaxed and went back to my sublime existence of self-gratification. Then one evening, a Wednesday I believe, I'm mindin my own business, when out on the porch there arose such a clatter, Maiden sprang to the door to see what was the matter. That fucking bitch! She drove three hours to pop in on my baked ass. Oh, I was thoroughly irritated. I told her I had reunited with my ex, and she needed to hit the road without delay, lest my sweety discover us. "Can I at least use the bathroom?" She inquired. "Yeah, I suppose. Make it quick" I stated coldly. She pissed, then she left pissed. Seven minutes from hello to goodbye. Haven't heard from her since. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.