Everytime I see Michelle Malkin talk, I try to block out all of the words and just focus on her pouty lips. She opens her mouth, then kinda wraps her lips over her teeth, ya know, like she is imitating someone with no teeth, then she undulates 'em like the muscles in her digestive tract. If the sound is down, that fucking ho can be purdy hot. But alas, the fantasy is broken when your brain registers what the dumb bitch is spittin. What the fuck is wrong with these fucking lemmings? I find it hard to believe that all republicans think exactly alike. Maybe the assholes killed all the smart G.O.P. members. *turns out lights, then places flashlight under chin shining upward* Or worse..... Perhaps they are aliens, like in The Faculty, a movie in which aliens take over the bodies of all the teachers at a high school. Luckily, an independent thinking young meth dealer is kind enough to use his stash to save the world. See meth is a diuretic, which dries out and kills the evil republicans, oh, I mean aliens. Mmmmmm. Lemme make a couple of phone calls, I'll see if I can round up enough shit to kill all the "aliens".
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