Frige (Anglo-Saxon, Friia (Germany) or Frea (Langobard)) was the love goddess of Germanic mythology, and the wife of Wotan (Odin). She has given her name to the weekday Friday in analogy with Venus. In the last surviving and by far best known version of Germanic mythology, Norse mythology, she had split into two clearly related goddesses, the promiscuous Freya who was married to Odr and the sometimes unfaithful Frigg who was the wife of Odin. Now that you know, you can tell 'em that.
Practice went well last night, shit is coming together nicely. We took the songs off of some sweet jumps. Eight days left. I'll see ya at Scarlets after the show.
Seven days until our field trip.
Nine days till The Devils Rejects.
I am growing sideburns. First time ever. Don't try to stop me, I've made up my mind. Bringing back the soul patch too, a.k.a. the taint tickler.
JimiSings- Is that vinyl siding? Sweet. Out of eight million sperm, I can't believe you won. I'm watchin you mutherfucker. I'm watchin you.
No word from the T man, hope all is well. Visualize freedom.
I don't have a girlfriend, but apparently I fucked her sister at Morrison Gravel pit in 1987. That's two out of three. If I could get the last one, boy that would be something. A trip trip triple shot of poooootang.
Shout out to my peeps in P town, I miss our little safari trips (wipes away solitary tear).
Crushed Hawkeye in Madden, I put 84 points on him. Ouch.
That's all for now mutherfuckers, remember, cash money plays. Peace and titties.
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