Unique views on music, politics, life.

Brandensbaked...The Id of a dude in upper left 'Merica. Trump hater! The creative force behind "American Supercell", a BIG DEAL in the Clover Valley music scene, played guitar in "Bonedawgs", "Banner Jump", and "Musclefuzz". Is proficient in all the manly arts, such as creating art, constructing useful things, mechanics, combat gardening, and respecting women. Possibly an immortal...Time will tell.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

K I'm Home Early

So I'm at da club right? I see silver, who is the finest girl anywhere, anyhow. O.K. maybe viciouspuddin is finer, but honestly I have never met her in person. So Silver, me and her go back a couple of years. She wants me to come to her house and do what I do like only I can. So I am on cloud BONER!!!! But as far as tonight, I go home with the guys. X, who is usually very polite, starts off 12-0 in a game of Madden 2006. Well he is so full of himself, he forgets that I am the all time champ master winner stud. So I go ahead 13-12 in the third quarter, then I began a very unsportsmanlike session of giving him da business good, K? I hog the ball the whole fourth quarter, then kick a "fuck you dude" field goal as time expires. brandensbaked 16, X 12. So now you can go to bed. We got big plans tomarrow, SKIDMORE at the Brightwood Tavern in Bridgewood. All the people in the know, they know, ya know? Mary St. Claire is MIA:(

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