Unique views on music, politics, life.
Brandensbaked...The Id of a dude in upper left 'Merica. Trump hater! The creative force behind "American Supercell", a BIG DEAL in the Clover Valley music scene, played guitar in "Bonedawgs", "Banner Jump", and "Musclefuzz". Is proficient in all the manly arts, such as creating art, constructing useful things, mechanics, combat gardening, and respecting women. Possibly an immortal...Time will tell.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Electoral college flunkies!
Climate change,
The End Is Near
Today was the last chance to deny Donald "I'm the greatest at you know like words, I mean, I have the best words" Trump, AKA "Not my president", AKA "Someone took a Trump in a paper bag and lit it on fire on our front porch", the highest office in the world. They failed to use their judgement in a competent manner. If we don't use the Electoral College to deny the office to this douche, then why the fuck have it? It serves zero purpose. Fuck those guys and gals, fuck Trump, fuck the Republicans, and if you voted for this shit for brains...Fuck you too. So, as the heavy weight of reality settles onto my shoulders, my spine begins to compress, and the bounce in my step is grounded as I realize this racist piece of white trash is going to dominate the fucking news cycle for the foreseeable future. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Well, I'm not going to let it ruin my life. I'll just have to do what I always do...Make some strong-assed lemonade out of this big fucking bushel of lemons, life hath dealt us. I feel for the minorities. You folks must be shopping for bullet proof vests as I write this. Well, if you voted for Hillary then I really feel bad and I apologize for my race of jack-asses. If you voted for Trump, or you didn't vote, well, you are about to get a civics lesson the likes of, we ain't seen since old Tricky Dick Nixon or South African Apartheid. God knows what the fuck this fool is capable of! I really hope there is something worth saving the next time we get to vote. I have a sneaking suspicion that you lazy fucks will put the fucking stuffed crust pizza down and get your ass off of the couch and VOTE!!!!! Trump really will be a billionaire by the time he is done fleecing the shit outta us. We about to get ripped the fuck off. I leave you with this: Keep your hands where the officer can see them. Lock up your valuables. Store plenty of dry goods, fresh potable water, batteries and ammo. Don't let any of the women out after dark. White women. Don't let minority women out period. Too fucking dangerous. Take your money out of the bank and stuff it in your mattress, at least until this is over. Sell all of your investments except for precious metals. Hunker down and stay safe. We have four fucking years of this bullshit ahead of us. Don't be quiet. If you see some fucked up bullshit, speak the fuck up, yo! Get involved in politics. You're about to see how important that is. Watch the news. No. Not Faux News. Real News Fool. NPR if you don't trust CNN. Read the paper. Check your sources. Don't get drawn in to some bullshit because you're a gullible jack-ass. We, more than likely, will get through this. If we don't, it was a hellava ride right? We are the last SuperPower on the planet! Democracy won! Before Trump...Now I'm not so sure. I will see you motherfuckers at the resistance meetings. I'll be wearing real tree camo, sucking on a slurpee, boots laced up and ready to take MY MOTHERFUCKING COUNTRY BACK!!!!
Sunday, December 18, 2016
As The Month Progresses....
The Seahawks are as finicky as a spoiled house cat. The Dawgs are preparing for the biggest bowl game in their storied 127 year history. The Huskies have played in 36 bowl games including 14 Rose Bowls. The Dawgs are 18-17-1 overall and 7-6-1 in the Grandaddy of 'em all.
Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Banner Jump Joint...
GOVERNMENT CHEESE from The Banner Jump on Myspace.
Monday, December 05, 2016
I Mind...
Clover Valley,
Da Weather,
The End Is Near,
The Mind
This song needs to be re-worked. That being said, this is the original version still squatting on myspace...
In other news: THE HUSKIES MADE THE PLAYOFFS THE HUSKIES MADE THE PLAYOFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Seahawks kicked ass but lost Earl for the season. Sales are down. It snowed here today, but caused almost zero mayhem. Trump is still a dick. Republicans are still evil. Not the cool kind of evil like moi, but the frustrating kind that all of the lemmings follow and think is patriotic. Dawgs face Alabama on New Years Eve...Biggest. Game. Ever.
I Mind from Supercell on Myspace.
In other news: THE HUSKIES MADE THE PLAYOFFS THE HUSKIES MADE THE PLAYOFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Seahawks kicked ass but lost Earl for the season. Sales are down. It snowed here today, but caused almost zero mayhem. Trump is still a dick. Republicans are still evil. Not the cool kind of evil like moi, but the frustrating kind that all of the lemmings follow and think is patriotic. Dawgs face Alabama on New Years Eve...Biggest. Game. Ever.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Butcher Babies Win BBaked Award for Rock Costume
Go Fast,
My Girl,
Super Powers
Daddy Like...
Thursday, November 24, 2016
I'm done pouting...On with life.
Clover Valley,
Da Weather,
My Girl,
The End Is Near
So I found this delightful little angel, and she is good. Let the record show that I found her first. I am trying to be more positive and this is the beginning of my balls to the wall positivity. You've been warned!
In other news:
Happy murder the injuns day! I'm eating at Sherry's with my roommate and my girl. Hawks are definatley heating up! Dawgs are still in it. Need to beat Wazzu! The weather sucks. A trip to Arizona is in my near future. The house is slowly conforming to my vision. My evil plan for world domination is coming together beautifully! Muha ha ha ha ha ha ha a a a a a!
In other news:
Happy murder the injuns day! I'm eating at Sherry's with my roommate and my girl. Hawks are definatley heating up! Dawgs are still in it. Need to beat Wazzu! The weather sucks. A trip to Arizona is in my near future. The house is slowly conforming to my vision. My evil plan for world domination is coming together beautifully! Muha ha ha ha ha ha ha a a a a a!
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Trump wins! Humanity is vanquished again.
Climate change,
The End Is Near,
The List
So. Dawgs got beat by USC. America got beat by Trump. Tough for me to admit. Give him a chance they said. Dawgs can still make the playoffs they said. First the good news. UW is crushing Arizona State. Now the bad news. Trump is filling his cabinet with White Supremacists. Ok. Lemonade out of lemons. UW can still make the playoffs. Sorry America, that's all I got.
Saturday, November 05, 2016
My Oh My! Dawgs Eviscerate Cal!
Damn Dawg! That shit was brutal. 66-27, and IT WASN'T EVEN THAT CLOSE! These Huskies have the killer instinct that other UW teams haven't had. USC next week and a great test. If that doesn't move us into the top four they can shove the CFP rankings up their loose, calloused asses. I am itching to fight someone worthy. I'm hoping the WSU-UW Apple cup is one to remember. I'm rooting for WSU to go undefeated until the game against us. I'm guessing they will. Setting up a perfect storm of UW power VS. WSU Couging it. Fun fact: I lived at Wazzu in 1989. That's where the legend of Brad and Branden got it's glorious start. The winter of '89. Oh yeah. Spokane. The Parkade. Leather jackets. Eating moldy cheese. The news said "Don't go out today!" Good times. Good times. In other news: Val came home today. Seahawks already looking at a must win on Monday night. Cubs win it all. Frankie has worn out his welcome. Too bad too. We always had a good time, but a mutherfucker needs to pull his weight...He doesn't. Plus, the lies. I got two new PA speakers today. Peavey SP2 ti. The election is uncomfortably close. Visited Mom today. My B-Day is Monday, I'm hoping to get a Seahawks win. Brad and I had a crazy night December 4th, 1989 at the Monday Night Football game against....The Buffalo Bills. Took place in the mighty King Dome. Hawks won a thriller 17-16. Fucking poured down rain today. Cold too. Got the foose ball table taken down and put away. I'm on a historic runner, and shit is getting done yo. I'm over 500 followers on Instagram. @brandenhuff Stay tuned for more remastered Supercell joints. Trump is gonna get trucked. By a girl.
Thursday, November 03, 2016
Anxiety Level Rising, Irritation Level Keeps Pace...
Climate change,
Super Powers,
The End Is Near,
The List,
The Mind
So, this fucking Trump thing, it just won't go the fuck away. What started as a joke, progressed to a spectacle, has ballooned into a full-blown, fucking, nightmare. Jesus Trump, do us all a favor and hang yourself in the closet while masturbating. Oh, I know. Trump only masturbates in a room full of mirrors, but a guy can wish. The thing I'm really struggling with, is my utopian vision of democracy. You know, everyone has a vote and a valid point of view. Well, I'm rethinking that. I'm starting to feel like the fucking idiots are dragging me along on their stupid idea express and God-damn it, I want the fuck off. I don't like the idea that a dumb-ass that can't extrapolate their plan to it's horrific, if not apocalyptic, bloody end, so I have to be involved while they "try" it. Just because you are too stupid to see Trump as the grifter he so obviously is, doesn't mean I should have to let him make America fucked again so that I can say "see asshole?" I'm starting to think that perhaps the intelligent 25% of our country should use this advantage to oppress the 75% of jack-asses and shut them the fuck up. It wouldn't be too hard. Oh sure, we'd have to suspend the constitution and impose some kind of emergency marshall law, but if that were ever warranted, now is the time. If that prospect makes you uncomfortable, how about dividing the country into two, and letting the conservatives govern their inland empire the way they see fit, and us liberals will run the coasts the way we want, and in 25 years, compare notes(If we haven't had to destroy them). Oh sure, they would think they had the world by the short hairs, due to their media spewing propaganda instead of news, but when they see how well our system of common sense has done for us, maybe they will come around. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I know, ridiculous. They haven't let reality intrude on their fair and balanced view of the world yet, no reason to think they ever will. I guess the only thing to do is systematically exterminate them. We'll call it a "fair and balanced" approach to the stupidity epidemic. If we wrap it in an American flag topped with shiny new Jesus-fish and play some country music in the background, serve pizza with hot dog crust, free ice cold Bud, and 'Dew for the little ones. Keep all of the participants lily white. Screen for GBLT types. Live stream it on Facebook. Bill it as, "They're going fast, so don't miss out on your chance to own your own little slice of heaven!!!!" Then send 'em to the afterlife. Good luck and goodbye!
Here is another re-mix off of my album 15 on One:
Here is another re-mix off of my album 15 on One:
Monday, October 31, 2016
Happy Halloween
I cannot wait for this fucking election to be over. So tired of all of the lemmings following their blow-hard, ass-hole, dog-haired, liar of a presidential candidate around like beggars at a coin show. Fuck you Trump. And fuck you Trump followers. So sick of you. Go away mad. Anywho, I remastered an oldie but a goodie for All Hallows Eve. Here ya go...
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Storm Of The Century (Trump's Upset)
Clover Valley,
Da Weather,
My Girl,
The End Is Near
Soooooo many things to blog about! First order of business, my Washington Huskies! They hung 70 on the Webfoots of Oregon. Somehow we got even for 12 years of frustration in one Saturday afternoon. Excuse me Ducks, I'm just gonna use your beak as a stepping stone, I'll put my foot right here, sorry, that's it, perfect. Thanks. We now have a clear path to the playoffs. Second order of business. This storm. Started earlier today, and is predicted to wipe humanity off of the planet, or at least cause some flooding. Third order of business. The Seahawks. Bye week is over. Everybody is well rested, and a tough Atlanta Falcons team is coming in to play this weekend. I like our chances. Jimmy Grahm has 100 yards in each of the last two games, so, let's keep that streak going. Finally, and surely least, The Trumpleupppagus is vewy upset that the mean weporters are all wighting mean stuff about him. He is so disadvantaged! Just because a pushy, my-way-or-the-highway kind of guy grabbed a couple of women by the pussy, then bragged about it on tape, bragged about it on Howard Stern, bragged about it to anyone who would listen, doesn't mean that it really happened that way. No, no, it was more like this: These women were about to fall, and Trumpy saved them by catching them by the inner-inner-inner thigh, cause it all happened so damned fast. Now everyone wants to spin it to make Trumproast look like a bad, bad, man. It's all very unfair. You know what? I'm gonna drop the gratuitous sarcasm and just be real for a minute. You dig? Here goes. Trump is a bully. Plain and simple. He bullies anyone he can get away with. When he gets grabby with women, he is really just trying to dominate. He is a punk bitch. Sexual predators are the lowest of the low. I'd like to see him bully me. He is not fit to lead anything, let alone this country at this crucial time. I hope all of my many, many readers that accidentally clicked on my blog while looking for 90210 style cooking tips, will do their civic duty and vote for Hillary Clinton on November 8th, and show the world that we're not all camouflage wearing, fat, uneducated, racists that watch NASCAR and shop at Walmart. PLEASE! Put down the Dew and Vote! In other news: Living room is painted, now working on the trim. Got my hard drive caddy for the laptop, now I need an SSD. Came in second in the first poker game of the year, congrats to Smackpaka. Got my LLC paperwork done, just need the 200 bones to file. Val is going to stay with her sister tomorrow for a while. We are still going strong, it's kind of a please-the-family kind of thing. I need to step up my game in the daily work dept. Chelsea has a chaweeny that is awesome, thinking about a puppy. That's all the news I choose for yous to chews. Until next time....Peace and Hillary, Not Trumpian Chaos.
Wednesday, October 05, 2016
HawkTober Yo!
Clover Valley,
Da Weather,
The Hawks are into their bye-week and boy couldn't have come at a better time. Russle Wilson is one banged up baller. Hawks are 3-1 and looking gooooooood. Worked in the yard, in the rain, for the past couple of days. Tryin to get CVWHQ buttoned up for the long rainy winter. Pretty much gtg except for the hot tub and the bark in the flower beds. Need to get my shit off of layaway, and put Xmas shit on layaway. Got my girl back, so have to be jolly this year! Still haven't come up with a name for my company. It'll come, they always do. So many projects going, not enough hours in the mutherfucking day. Huskies play the hated Oregon Ducks this week. HUGE!!!!! Win this, and we are in the drivers seat. Window down, pedal to the metal.
Sunday, October 02, 2016
I'm Not Sure If....
I'm not sure if this month is 'Toberin, but it's for sure Rockin.
This is FUCKING HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two of the top four are from the Big Ten Conference and play each
other on November 26. That leaves a clear path for the Dawgs to
make the College Football Playoffs 2016! Damn Coach, that was
pretty fucking quick. You da man! Don James would be proud of the
team you've put together. OKG for real. These kids battle...And
win. There is a lot of season to go but I have waited a long time
to get back to a place we always knew we belonged. The top of the
heap baby. I'm livin on top of it. I'm livin on top of the heap!
In other news:
I got another section of fence up today. Completed one speaker stand. Got the computer switched over to an SSD. Have to go to Tukwila in a minute. Gonna get some new strings for my death-fiddle. I have cotton-mouth right now something(Sompthin)fierce. Hella baked yo. Mutherfuckin pie eyed. All my thoughts expressed as nods. Best intentions somehow lost. Your throat constricts, this burning thirst. Milkshake in hand, fortunes reversed. Your eager slurps betray the need. Fight through the pain, give in to greed. Milkshake consumed with reckless speed. Blood runs out of both ears, eyes defiant through the tears. Some kind of record that day he siezed, though died from massive cerebral cortex freeze. Gave old "Can't stop talking about work" the business so bad, he's gonna quit smoking heroin and be a NA superstar. Just think, all of those captive listeners. I'm Joe Carpenter and I'm an addict. Just yesterday I spent six hours making a movie about the half-hour of work I did. Then I went on Facebook and told everyone that I only have four dollars cause of all of my responsibilities. Even though I live in my Dad's basement. So I guess I'm just a super duper duche bag. Oh well, thanks for letting me share. Fuck you Opie. I couldn't care less if I never saw you again. It poured down rain yesterday. M's lost in extra innings and are out. Great fucking year. Again we are the champions of the teams that didn't make the playoffs. I'm gonna take the foosball table apart so I can put lights in and get a table for my house. I've got a great plan, can't wait to see it all in place. Tried to sell the table(BLASPHEMY!), but Smackpaka didn't follow through with a supposed sure-thing. Oh wow, big fucking surprise. That's okay, when I don't have any projects, I'll peel all of the laminate off of the table, get new, hip, modern laminate and re-finish it. Put in the coin box and get new rods and bushings, oh hell yeah! Gonna be the best fucking foose evah! Sticky Fingers Frizzo is stealing splash cymbals lately. We now have 2. Getting ready to put Christmas gifts on layaway. I have four hundred followers on Instagram. Val is swollen. Trump is a super fucking asshole grifter and if you vote for him, lose my number, shit for brains. Hawks handled the Jets and moved to 3-1. I'm gonna get Lisa's carry and take some time off of my (H)obby. I need some more face and mind healing time. I am still winning, but no reason to coast now. Well, my little sycophants, that's all the news that's hip to ship
This is FUCKING HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two of the top four are from the Big Ten Conference and play each
other on November 26. That leaves a clear path for the Dawgs to
make the College Football Playoffs 2016! Damn Coach, that was
pretty fucking quick. You da man! Don James would be proud of the
team you've put together. OKG for real. These kids battle...And
win. There is a lot of season to go but I have waited a long time
to get back to a place we always knew we belonged. The top of the
heap baby. I'm livin on top of it. I'm livin on top of the heap!
In other news:
I got another section of fence up today. Completed one speaker stand. Got the computer switched over to an SSD. Have to go to Tukwila in a minute. Gonna get some new strings for my death-fiddle. I have cotton-mouth right now something(Sompthin)fierce. Hella baked yo. Mutherfuckin pie eyed. All my thoughts expressed as nods. Best intentions somehow lost. Your throat constricts, this burning thirst. Milkshake in hand, fortunes reversed. Your eager slurps betray the need. Fight through the pain, give in to greed. Milkshake consumed with reckless speed. Blood runs out of both ears, eyes defiant through the tears. Some kind of record that day he siezed, though died from massive cerebral cortex freeze. Gave old "Can't stop talking about work" the business so bad, he's gonna quit smoking heroin and be a NA superstar. Just think, all of those captive listeners. I'm Joe Carpenter and I'm an addict. Just yesterday I spent six hours making a movie about the half-hour of work I did. Then I went on Facebook and told everyone that I only have four dollars cause of all of my responsibilities. Even though I live in my Dad's basement. So I guess I'm just a super duper duche bag. Oh well, thanks for letting me share. Fuck you Opie. I couldn't care less if I never saw you again. It poured down rain yesterday. M's lost in extra innings and are out. Great fucking year. Again we are the champions of the teams that didn't make the playoffs. I'm gonna take the foosball table apart so I can put lights in and get a table for my house. I've got a great plan, can't wait to see it all in place. Tried to sell the table(BLASPHEMY!), but Smackpaka didn't follow through with a supposed sure-thing. Oh wow, big fucking surprise. That's okay, when I don't have any projects, I'll peel all of the laminate off of the table, get new, hip, modern laminate and re-finish it. Put in the coin box and get new rods and bushings, oh hell yeah! Gonna be the best fucking foose evah! Sticky Fingers Frizzo is stealing splash cymbals lately. We now have 2. Getting ready to put Christmas gifts on layaway. I have four hundred followers on Instagram. Val is swollen. Trump is a super fucking asshole grifter and if you vote for him, lose my number, shit for brains. Hawks handled the Jets and moved to 3-1. I'm gonna get Lisa's carry and take some time off of my (H)obby. I need some more face and mind healing time. I am still winning, but no reason to coast now. Well, my little sycophants, that's all the news that's hip to ship
Saturday, October 01, 2016
Check this out...Rocktoberfest is upon us!
Clover Valley,
Da Weather,
My Girl,
I found this dude on Youtube tonight. I was looking at videos on drum tuning. Turns out, he knows fucking everything in the world about music. I am very impressed with his knowledge. I am very grateful he decided to share. Check it out and subscribe and you will be a better you.
Rick Beato
In other news: My girl moved in. My LLC is going from my mind to your world. My face is 80% face and 20% 'fection. My M's are going to break my heart yet again, which is better than third place. My Dawgs are for-fucking-real. My Hawks are still unproven. My Sonics are still missing you fucking nazis. My mom is on the mend. I can pick my own brothers. My truck flames look like black gumby's. My yard is getting there. The weather has been cooperating. G is down the road and D is in the club. Shit has been good man, real good. For such a shitty summer weather-wise, it's been great, life-wise. That's all the news I choose for yous to chews. Later.
Rick Beato
In other news: My girl moved in. My LLC is going from my mind to your world. My face is 80% face and 20% 'fection. My M's are going to break my heart yet again, which is better than third place. My Dawgs are for-fucking-real. My Hawks are still unproven. My Sonics are still missing you fucking nazis. My mom is on the mend. I can pick my own brothers. My truck flames look like black gumby's. My yard is getting there. The weather has been cooperating. G is down the road and D is in the club. Shit has been good man, real good. For such a shitty summer weather-wise, it's been great, life-wise. That's all the news I choose for yous to chews. Later.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
2 In A Day...
Clover Valley,
Go Fast,
Super Powers,
The Mind
Here Ya Go-
New Joint
Super Powers,
The End Is Near
A little ditty to get you through your fucked up day....
Tuesday, September 06, 2016
Ahhhh. Memories. My Kramer....REWARD!!!!
Clover Valley,
Go Fast,
open 24 hrs,
Super Powers,
The End Is Near,
The List
![]() |
The Guitar Paul Billings III stole. He is currently in Kitsap County Drug Court |
The Serial Number |
Paul hasn't paid for this crime...Yet! |
Which was stolen from my house in Port Orchard, Washington on or around July 18, 2013. A little dirtbag named Paul Billings took it while I was in jail. He pawned it somewhere, possibly at Trader McGee's in Bremerton, Washington. The guitar is obviously a custom job, done by myself, but the value lies in the history. I obtained this Kramer in 1995 from a good friend who had it since the original owner lost his life. The guitar was purple and pink, but under all of that eye shadow, this thing had balls. I stripped it down and had it painted black with gold flake at Al's Used Cars and Trucks. He also clear coated it with an automotive finish. It remained that way until 2008 or '09. I then started screwing around with colors and artsy finishes trying to find this thing's hidden identity. One day, I threw it on the table saw while listening to "What's next to the moon?" by AC/DC. A couple of cuts here, a little off of the top there, and voilà !!!!
This is from 1996, Right after I painted it black. |
Pre-paint circa 2006 |
SuperCell show at the Ray Waterman RV and Rodeo show 2001 |
This is from 2007. |
Ah, but I digress. When the guitar had found it's true shape, I then painted it using closely guarded technics I had developed over the years.(Unfortunately, the guitar itself was not as closely guarded). I quickly did a pro-setup and added it to my arsenal of six-string murder weapons. Soon after that, on July 15, 2013, I got busted for passing off fake Facebook/Copywrite posts when I made a fool out of the wrong Sheriff's social media liason. While my lawyers were sorting through the legal minefield, Paul broke into my home and took everything he could carry in his tiny, child-like arms and sped away to buy his heroin. Many things were stolen. My MXL microphones. (4). My M-Audio Black Box. My Alesis Multimix 8 mixer. My Ibanez bass. My Yamaha acoustic. etc. The thing I want back the most, the thing that's easy to identify, is that Kramer. The serial number is on the screw-plate easily seen in the photo. Okay. I'm outta time. Bottom line. I want this guitar. I will pay the person who has it, for it. I will give a reward to the person who finds it and informs me where it is. Let's start the bidding at $250.00 reward, and $350.00 for the guitar. We'll negotiate from there. Aight?
Friday, September 02, 2016
Interwebs, come September....
Climate change,
Clover Valley,
Da Weather,
My Girl,
open 24 hrs,
Super Powers,
The End Is Near
Shout out to Frizzo, for taking care of bizzo. Now, I can air my dirty laundry on the interwizzo. Fo shizzle. ENOUGH! If your cracker-ass mind was unable to decipher my street-jive, I was merely rejoicing at the fact that the Clover Valley house has high speed internet service, and a decent cable package. If that wasn't enough good news, my girl called me up and said, "come and get me". So I did. And the girl got, got. So I'm going to run up to Wallyworld and grab some milk for my ice cream tonight, and my Fruit Loops with Mutherfucking Marshmallows, tomorrow morning, bitch.
The summer has left with a pussy-like whimper. That's okay. Fall is an especially kick ass time of year here in the PNW. The trout bite again. The forest beckons. The Seahawks, oh, the mighty Seahawks! The M's just miss the playoffs for the 67th year in a row. The Huskies begin their quest towards relevancy. That smell...Arrives with the school bells and lingers until after Thanksgiving. We have really gotten a lot of projects done over this summer. Now, with time running out, we must pull together as a team and button up all of the loose ends. Not a lot, but, important just the same. A little pixie dust, makes opiated into...OPIATED!!!! Now that we are back on the grid, I will be able to dole out every delicious detail. It will be as if you were riding on my shoulder like Toucan Sam.........................Good day peeps, good damn day.
The summer has left with a pussy-like whimper. That's okay. Fall is an especially kick ass time of year here in the PNW. The trout bite again. The forest beckons. The Seahawks, oh, the mighty Seahawks! The M's just miss the playoffs for the 67th year in a row. The Huskies begin their quest towards relevancy. That smell...Arrives with the school bells and lingers until after Thanksgiving. We have really gotten a lot of projects done over this summer. Now, with time running out, we must pull together as a team and button up all of the loose ends. Not a lot, but, important just the same. A little pixie dust, makes opiated into...OPIATED!!!! Now that we are back on the grid, I will be able to dole out every delicious detail. It will be as if you were riding on my shoulder like Toucan Sam.........................Good day peeps, good damn day.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Well into August and still no Interweb....
At the Clover Valley World Headquarters. I'll tell you, despite the obvious financial snafus, I am definitely on the mend. I've been spending time with my favorite girl! Now, I'm not gonna try and say I understand the workings of this most mysterious female's most mysterious mind, but it would appear, to my limited observational skills, that she is into me again. Maybe she is, maybe I'm delusional, either way, I'm gonna go with the flow and enjoy the moment and let the deets fall where they may. I spent the whole day today, and several hours last night working on a song. It's a story about a drug-obsessed entrepreneur, who just wants to marry great service and low prices with the black market drug trade. Now, I've been known to sling a bit, back in 2013, but any reference to illegal activities is either fiction or history. With that disclaimer, I give you this:
Be kind when critiquing my work. I donate all the moneys to BALPAC. For this and other Indi-gems, check out my soundclown page HERE
Also:Upper 90's try to save this shitty ass summer. M's are making a show of trying to get into the playoffs...We'll see if they have the juice. Hawks are looking like the shit yet again. We will be deep into the playoffs if not the big one. Dawgs are ranked 7th by SI!!! Have two of seven panels done on the new fence. The shop is 90% done. Almost done with the headliner on my truck. The bed of the truck is done, painted on liner and truck box. HotTub is on the ground, 30 feet from it's final destination. The studio is stone cold pimpin'. Too many improvements to mention in a news feed, stay tuned for an in depth report. For more Branden than you can shake your tits at, follow my Instagram @brandenhuff. That's all the news that's fit to spit...Peace and #DumpTrump
Be kind when critiquing my work. I donate all the moneys to BALPAC. For this and other Indi-gems, check out my soundclown page HERE
Also:Upper 90's try to save this shitty ass summer. M's are making a show of trying to get into the playoffs...We'll see if they have the juice. Hawks are looking like the shit yet again. We will be deep into the playoffs if not the big one. Dawgs are ranked 7th by SI!!! Have two of seven panels done on the new fence. The shop is 90% done. Almost done with the headliner on my truck. The bed of the truck is done, painted on liner and truck box. HotTub is on the ground, 30 feet from it's final destination. The studio is stone cold pimpin'. Too many improvements to mention in a news feed, stay tuned for an in depth report. For more Branden than you can shake your tits at, follow my Instagram @brandenhuff. That's all the news that's fit to spit...Peace and #DumpTrump
Friday, July 29, 2016
Ha Ha Happy Fryday...
Clover Valley,
Da Weather,
Sitting down here at the office using their generous internet access to scheme and plan the world take-over I am in the middle of. Next phase? Wouldn't you like to know, Trump! Anywho, I finished, well finished is a little strong. I built most of the first section of the front yard fence I've been thinking about all summer.
G has been pushing his luck as far as my money goes. He is on his last chance....If the first comes and goes with no money....I'll turn his punk ass out. Believe it!
Got my shit outta pawn yesterday. I'm coming up quick. Need to find some steadier work. Wasting all this summer. Need to get paid! I'm headed for another business, I can feel it. Will I be able to avoid running it into the ground? Jesus, I fucking hope so. Had enough chances, Eh?
I miss my dog. Not quite ready for another one though. Well, back to the research and development of my evil empire!
G has been pushing his luck as far as my money goes. He is on his last chance....If the first comes and goes with no money....I'll turn his punk ass out. Believe it!
Got my shit outta pawn yesterday. I'm coming up quick. Need to find some steadier work. Wasting all this summer. Need to get paid! I'm headed for another business, I can feel it. Will I be able to avoid running it into the ground? Jesus, I fucking hope so. Had enough chances, Eh?
I miss my dog. Not quite ready for another one though. Well, back to the research and development of my evil empire!
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Shhhhhhhhhhh! Valerie is sleeping!
Go Fast,
My Girl,
Super Powers,
The End Is Near
Guess where I am. Evil Val's lair. Ha ha ha! Came over to deliver some of my special sauce. I'm never too far from her thoughts, and as you all know, I'm pretty well sprung on her. Not that I don't do just fine without her, cause I do. But, in a perfect circle, she's my girl. Now I'm all up in her business! Ha! I have been hella busy. Working for Petit. Doing my thing. Building a fence in the front yard. Battling those fucking moles. Built custom speaker boxes for my truck. Moving all of my shit out of the office and garage. Eating Birthday Cake Ice Cream and milk. Taking care of my fucked off face infection. Cloning my favorite plant, and considering an attempt at breeding my own strain of Purple Blaze. Not too sure about all of the details, but when has that stopped me? I have finally got my own P.A.! First, I bought some Peavey PR12's from the pawn shop for 25 bucks. They were priced at $50.00 because they didn't work. I offered $25.00 and they said sure, then helped me carry 'em out to the truck. Got em home, and one worked fine, the other, nothing. Soooooo, I took the plate off of the back, and, low and behold, the wires were unhooked. So, I hooked em back up, and, TA-DA! P, mutherfucking A! Next, I went to Guitar Center and grabbed a Behringer 502 Xenyx mixer. Got it home and discovered that it had no FX send and return, the phantom power is only 15 volts, o today, I will be trading that shit in for a 1204 Xenyx mixer and my shit will be so fucking squared away you could measure it corner to corner both ways and it will be within a mutherfucking 64th of a mutherfucking inch. Anywho, after the mixer, my signal goes into a Peavey Classic 120 tube amp. From there to the speakers we spoke of already. I'm using some shitty mic that I've been carting around for years and years. Probably need to upgrade that shit to a Shure SM58. FX is an area that is pretty much whack. Yeah, I just used "whack". Fuck you, I do what I want. I need to get some fucking phaser on my earth-bound voice and launch that shit into orbit. Stoner Rawk is just not quite right with dry vox. I don't make the rules, but if I did, FX on the vocal track would be non-negotiable. When I close my eyes, I see black and pink fractal light shows in the shape of a guitar and half-stack.
This is the bullshit I'm currently suffering through.(The struggle is real!!!!)
This is the upgrade I will be employing today, to make my shit KICK-ASS!
As you can see from my words and pictures, life is being lived, and the only reason you are not hearing about it more often is because my interweb situation is about as fucked up as Donald Trump and his daughter giving each other "back rubs" after a long day of lying. That is about all for now, but remember, time is a finite resource...Treat it as such.
This is the bullshit I'm currently suffering through.(The struggle is real!!!!)
This is the upgrade I will be employing today, to make my shit KICK-ASS!
As you can see from my words and pictures, life is being lived, and the only reason you are not hearing about it more often is because my interweb situation is about as fucked up as Donald Trump and his daughter giving each other "back rubs" after a long day of lying. That is about all for now, but remember, time is a finite resource...Treat it as such.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Not sure about where you are, but here, it is Fan-Fucking-Tastic! Been a poopy start to summer until today. Today got it right. I am down at the library with Frizzo. We had to meet a couple of fools to collect some fetta. I'm jamming some Supercell oldies on MySpace and using the free wifi. Later, we are going to the big city to meet up with our Latino friend for some good old fashioned international diplomacy. Even later than that, back to world headquarters to finish off the studio improvements and lay some tracks. I spent a couple of hours yesterday tuning the drums and the sound is what can only be described as "tight". Also got some of those neoprene dampening pads for the top of the drums. Usually used to keep the sound down when practicing, but Frizzo loves the way they play, so we may incorporate them into a touchy-feely type slow dance song. Stay tuned.
The M's took 2 out of 3 from the Cardinals over the weekend, so they are on the mend. I have gotten a shit-load done as far as getting the rest of my stuff out of the office. Then my sniveling little piss-ass of a brother can have the whole place to himself. He can work there, live there and die there. I got my boat motor back from Mage and it runs like a top. A gas powered, 2 stroke, top. Can't wait to get out on the water and do some fishing, might even have the juice to get out on the Sound and track down some salmon. Just popped into my head that we may be headed to the property, Leavenworth, and Lake Chelan over the 4th of July! I met this hippy chick on Offer-Up. I sold her my extensive Tarot card collection. Well, we got to talking, and she had some Cubensis. She was going to look into some for me. That would be perfect. Probably cannot afford to drive the motorhome, but, come to think of it, probably can't afford not to. We'll see how the money shakes out. Well, Frizzo is hangry, and just scored Shayla's EBT card. So I'm gonna make like the Republican Party and split!
P.S. Fuck you to Trump and all his little flunkies.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Happy Friday From B and Frizzo
Da Weather,
Go Fast,
open 24 hrs,
Down at the library, listening to Supercell on Myspace, and bloggin my Goddamned ass off. That is the kind of dedicated Mutherfucker I am. You're welcome. Let's see, what's new? Oh yeah, Frizzo got robbed at gunpoint Wednesday night and 200 dollars worth of company product disappeared without reimbursement. Yeah, I guess that's the textbook definition of "robbed". We will endure. We are nothing if not dedicated. Been jammin and moving the rest of my shit to my house. Got "The Shed" all pimped out. Ready for action. Next move? The hot tub!!!! Also, I've picked out the next song for recording.....Wait for it....Out Of My Mind! Stay tuned. In other news...Fucking rain. Fucking M's. Fucking Trump. Okay, that's all the news that's fit to spit. Peace and DEATH TO TRUMP!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Myspace-Supercell Link
SUPERCELL on Myspace click HERE
WTF Happened To Summer?
Da Weather,
Go Fast,
My Girl,
open 24 hrs,
Super Powers,
The weather!?!? It's like a certain girl I often refer to. One day, sunny and 75. The next day, it pours down rain so hard, you fear for tender seedlings everywhere. I guess the solstice was Monday, so maybe I should cool down, but this was supposed to be an El Nino year! My yard is loving the rain, though. It's so pimped out the Sherriff keeps sending undercovers to try and buy a blowjob. Me and Frizzo jammed some old assed SuperCell songs today. I think I will try to resurrect one and give it a modern twist. Out is the name of the one I'm thinking of. Stay tuned to my Sound Town account. Been selling my extra shit on offer up. Made a fistful of dollars so far. Now I need some work. Plenty out there. Just need to keep grinding. A trip out to the property in Okanogan is in my near future, there has got to be some good news there. M's are tanking. Cav's won the NBA title. Hawks are looking good, got a good feeling about this year! Been laying off of the go-fast until tonight. Donald Trump is a jackass of historic proportions. I hope Clinton gets Elisabeth Warren to be VP...LOVE her! Huskies are all optimistic predictions, now all we have to do is beat Oregon.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Happy Father's Day!
Da Weather,
I sure do miss you pops. I'm on the ferry headed to Seattle to pick up Frizzo. He has been sidewalk surfing all week and would appreciate if I would let him sleep over at CVWHQ for a bit. We are going to start a few hustles this week coming up. I really need to find some work. It looks as if I may have found some landscaping, all above board, and some guerrilla gardening, for the people! I need to find some legit income streams to boost my independence from Mother. The less I depend on her, the less stress she gets worrying about me and my worrisome habits. I am about halfway done moving my shit out of the office garage. Once dickhead moves in there, I won't feel welcome at all. That's alright. I'm going to make a nice little niche for myself at Dad's property. It's a beautiful day out today. The weather has been kind of crappy for the last two weeks, after a brilliant early spring. Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice. I am feeling pretty good about the direction of the Galaxy, after a bumpy ride the last week to ten days. I was feeling mighty discouraged until yesterday. All my troubles seemed like a gang of thieves. Stealing my hope and crushing my dreams. I just kept on grinding. Now I'm on the upswing. I'm never down for long.
Saturday, June 04, 2016
New Shit Yo...
Go Fast,
My Girl,
open 24 hrs,
Super Powers
Knocked this puppy out in an evening. Might need some drums. We shall see.
Friday, June 03, 2016
Posting From The Library
Da Weather,
Super Powers
Still no interweb at the headquarters. M's come back from down 10 runs last night. Wow. That is usually what happens to us, not the other way around. So last night I had one of my world famous epiphanies. I should go to school. Music producer school. I have already found a couple that looks like they could benefit from my brand of cool. It would be nice to get a new career since my old one evaporated. Plus, what has two thumbs and loves to produce music? This mutherfucker right here(points thumbs towards chest). I think this would be a blast. Now if I can pull off the financing, we would be golden. Be a good reason to stay off of the H too. I think that is the direction I will put my energy. Awesome. Thanks for listening. Gonna be super nice this weekend!
Saturday, May 28, 2016
MySpace is still breathing...
My page is still up. My Supercell page is too. Trippy. All those songs just waiting to be listened to. Now we do Soundcloud. Why not just stick to MySpace? I do not know. Good question. Been jammin though, so soon new crap on Soundcloud or MySpace or whatever. Me and Frankie are cleaning out the garage at the office so I thought I'd use the internet to post some shit. Also grab a few GOT episodes. M's got beat by the Twins, but are still kicking ass.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
I'll Blog When I Can...
Da Weather,
When I can't, I'll just pray to sweet baby Jesus. My Interweb is off. Why? In the existential meaning, who knows? In the literal, cause we didn't pay the mutherfucking bill yo. Money is tight. Decisions had to be made. Don't you worry your pretty little head though, Branden has got a few hustles in the works. I'm about to pick up Katy and go to a S.M.A.R.T. recovery meeting. What is smart recovery you ask? No you did not. Who the hell is Katy is what you were wondering? Well, let me say "none of your beeswax". I'm not sure exactly. I hope to know more after this fine evening. The weather is not sure if it's crappy or happy. M's are doing just fine. Won today against the O's 7-2. That makes us 23-17, first fucking place. MmHmmmm. First series loss at home by the O's. M's are for real. Katy is a peach. I met her at rehab. She made rehab fun. Yes, I like her a lot. Yes like that. Well, I don't know. I think so, but I will let her decide for herself. No, I don't kiss and tell. Hahaha. Yes, I do. Get this, she is a singer. I know. She could be "the one". We will definitely let her lay down some vox. So, I gotta go live this shit before I have anything to blog about...Later peeps.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
I Create My Own Reality
Da Weather,
Super Powers,
The Mind
Some people would call this "self absorbed". In my reality those people are dicks. I control how I perceive things...So, perception is reality. To a point. If I perceive the road is clear and step out in front of a bus, well, my reality ends. At the same time, if I choose to focus on the fact that it is sunny at my house, the M's are in first place, I have my health, I'm not on paper, etc. I perceive the world as a kick ass place. If I focus on Trump and his minions, and all of the shit I hate, I could wallow in self-pity, and maybe even spread that shit. Just for today...I will have a good fucking time.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Mariners are in...
Climate change,
Da Weather,
The End Is Near
FFP. First Fucking Place. 19-13. Cano is a beast. Cruz too. Fun team....If they can keep on keeping on. Gonna be 75^ and sunny in the Pacific North West. Global warming Fo Show. Let's see, what is chapping Branden's ass today? Oh, the usual. Trump and his cum dumpsters. Racists. Ass-holes. Dicks. Pussies. Facebook seems to feel like a safe place for these people to try to justify their warped beliefs. I just stay silent...Naw, just joking. I give 'em the business. For it is my natural state to smack down idiots. The thing about conservatives, they think they are tough. They are just scared little pussies, who point and snivel at anything that isn't white, Christian, and that is so sad. Just for today: Today I will point out social injustice and speak the truth.
Monday, May 09, 2016
Donald Trump...
The End Is Near
Dick in a wig. Punk on a pedestal. He really is the perfect Republican. Oh sure, the establishment says, "he doesn't have core conservative values". Oh really? Let's examine that. He is a racist. Check. He is a misogynist. Check. He is out of touch with the middle class. Check. Finally, the most important conservative value, he would fuck this country up Baby Bush style. Check and mate. Now, I know a lot of people have a big problem with Hillary. That is our fucked up news media at work lemmings. Do your own research. Know your fucking sources. I believe in my heart that she has the best interest of the American people in mind. She should make Bernie Sanders her running mate and unify this fractured party.
"My dick is this big"
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Happy Mother's Day...
I am so balanced you couldn't knock me over with a bulldozer. Feeling super groovy. M's lost. Still, they are 18-13, first place...I ain't complaining. Been jammin my guitar hella. Been playing Days of the New and Gruntruck in the truck. Gotta go BBQ with Mom. BBQ'd with Valerie then went and had a beer with Frizzo, then went and had a beer with Pam. Balance. Busy. Time to get to work on all my little plans for taking over the world. Muhahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Saturday, May 07, 2016
Another Unfinished Ditty...
So this puppy needs a lot of work but I'm diggin on the Days Of The New style acoustic work. I have a female singer coming here later this month. Perhaps she can give this the happy ending it deserves.
Da Weather,
The Mind
Everything. Weather. Energy level. Mental state. The thing about confinement is it lets you appreciate freedom. Pain lets you appreciate pleasure. Your mind is a differential measuring engine. Without the lows, the highs are nothing special. My drug use, specifically needles, was me creating lows in a flat line existence. Humans are the ultimate adapters. Challenge yourself in a healthy manner. Don't do the same thing over and over. Keep things interesting. For your own sanity, eat an eighth of cubensis and....Listen to MonsterMagnet.
Friday, May 06, 2016
Treatment wasn't bad at all.....
Actually, it was awesome. Got my mojo back. Funny thing is I didn't even know I was missing it. Gained a bunch of weight back. Met a bunch of awesome peeps. And reconnected with the Force. Gonna jam with the boys tonight.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Off To See The Wizard...
Checking into rehab today...I know....What a drag. Well, look on the bright side, we had a fun little runner there, didn't we? And no one can deny, it will be a new experience. Plus, not being bound by the court means if daddy don't like the program, he can just walk out the front door...
Rehab....Take Two ...Electric Boogaloo: Finding Balance.
Go Fast,
open 24 hrs,
Super Powers,
The End Is Near
Soooo. Back to treatment. I guess the first time didn't take. We already knew that though. I. Like.
To. Get. High. Period. I cannot imagine going through my whole life sober. What a fucking drag.
I can sure buy some time and try to find some alternate income streams to fall back on if I ain't having any fun. I wish I could find some balance. Wax on. Wax off. Wax on. So anyway. Shit. Wax off. Balance. I know the hot new theory is to say I have a brain disease. Yeah? Well, this brain disease I currently suffer from causes me to be an absolute creative genius. I didn't write any music until I started doing drugs. In my 2 1/2 years of being sober, I wrote zip. Nada. Nothin. I tried. Couldn't. I never created anything of depth or substance. Not only did I begin to create while on drugs, but invented clever complex work-arounds to make up for any lack of talent, experience, or equipment. I love the challenge of making something from nothing, and then working on it. Try to improve what you have created. Add depth. Innuendo. Layers. I get so much satisfaction from being creative, and I am always high. If I'm not getting high, I watch TV. Or read. I consume other people's art. I only make art when I am high. I suffer from a brain disease that causes me to get high and play music, Write lyrics. Learn how to play instruments and use complex equipment. How to use advanced software and the equipment to run it. It also causes unhealthy binges of being high 24/7, and that ain't good. But neither is being sober all the time. Balance. I must find it. Capture and enslave it. It must be mine. Balance. I'm coming for you
To. Get. High. Period. I cannot imagine going through my whole life sober. What a fucking drag.
I can sure buy some time and try to find some alternate income streams to fall back on if I ain't having any fun. I wish I could find some balance. Wax on. Wax off. Wax on. So anyway. Shit. Wax off. Balance. I know the hot new theory is to say I have a brain disease. Yeah? Well, this brain disease I currently suffer from causes me to be an absolute creative genius. I didn't write any music until I started doing drugs. In my 2 1/2 years of being sober, I wrote zip. Nada. Nothin. I tried. Couldn't. I never created anything of depth or substance. Not only did I begin to create while on drugs, but invented clever complex work-arounds to make up for any lack of talent, experience, or equipment. I love the challenge of making something from nothing, and then working on it. Try to improve what you have created. Add depth. Innuendo. Layers. I get so much satisfaction from being creative, and I am always high. If I'm not getting high, I watch TV. Or read. I consume other people's art. I only make art when I am high. I suffer from a brain disease that causes me to get high and play music, Write lyrics. Learn how to play instruments and use complex equipment. How to use advanced software and the equipment to run it. It also causes unhealthy binges of being high 24/7, and that ain't good. But neither is being sober all the time. Balance. I must find it. Capture and enslave it. It must be mine. Balance. I'm coming for you
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Big Day Planned at the Studio....
Da Weather,
All of my peeps are gathering to get high and play music. Gonna be fun. Nice day out. Bout to go get Frizzzzzzzzo from the ferry. Hopefully I will have some material to put on Sound Clown. I am gonna hit this Purple Kush to settle my stomach and jam.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Instagram and other musings....
So. After suffering through a couple of years of Facebook, I finally gave Instagram a try. Holy shit. That's Branden's kind of jam. No talk all action. Oh man, let a girl have a camera and an audience and look the fuck out. Art. Boobs. Thighs. Booooooootaaaay! Me? Oh, well, I have been doing some recording. Nothing too ambitious. Maybe I'll lay a taste on you if you promise not to ridicule my work. Was not going for a song. Just working out the kinks in the studio gear.....
A Wise Man Once Said....
The End Is Near
"Let those in glass chongers get the most stoned". These chicks rippin' down dabs that would make a grow man shudder. Plus they have boobs. How the fuck am I supposed to compete with that? New Deftones video....Not crazy about the song....The video is right up my alley though:
I played music all fucking day today. Tuesday. Yeah. At this moment. Right now. Life rocks. Mine at least. Thinking about a burger. Cheese burger. No Fucking Onion. Damn. It didn't work. Guess I will have to go get it. Peace Peeps!
P.S. I realize I have yet to cover the Trumphuck situation that we find ourselves in this fine Presidential Election Year. I will. I have given it much thought, and I feel the need to tell you fools what to think....So stay tuned....And don't vote until you've read the Brandensbaked Guide to Presidential Election Politics 2016.
I played music all fucking day today. Tuesday. Yeah. At this moment. Right now. Life rocks. Mine at least. Thinking about a burger. Cheese burger. No Fucking Onion. Damn. It didn't work. Guess I will have to go get it. Peace Peeps!
P.S. I realize I have yet to cover the Trumphuck situation that we find ourselves in this fine Presidential Election Year. I will. I have given it much thought, and I feel the need to tell you fools what to think....So stay tuned....And don't vote until you've read the Brandensbaked Guide to Presidential Election Politics 2016.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Been A Long Time, Eh Bobo?
Go Fast,
Sorry for the neglect peeps. I got caught in an alternet reality where everyone was enslaved by an evil app...Facebook. Damn! That shit ain't even funny. I graduated Drug Court...Started back in black. Caught a habit. Lost my job. Started back into music production. Going to rehab next Monday. Gonna get job back. Grew some mushrooms. Didn't notice they came up. Got spores all over and ruined 'em. Got it down though. I wonder what else I'll grow this summer? Hmmmmmmmmmm.
Gotta jam...Glad to be back. I missed you too. Peace!
Gotta jam...Glad to be back. I missed you too. Peace!
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