Unique views on music, politics, life.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Hurricane Brandensbaked
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Today's Record
K I'm Home Early
Friday, September 23, 2005
I Am In Portland!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Fact Filled Fucking Post

This morning on my way to work I spotted this dude hacking away at his hedge. On the surface, not very metal. However, this particular dude happened to be in long black pants and a black leather jacket. Yardwork in leather is very metal. *When I say metal, I'm simultaneously making devil horns with my right hand*
Remember Butter? Yeah, stop it. Now and forever they shall be known as SKIDMORE They will be LIVE! Saturday at a bar called Brightwood Tavern in the town of Bridgewood. All the people who said "say that ten times fast", should go in their bathroom and shoot themselves in the head. Repeat if necessary. Anyway, Brightwood Tavern is located at 63010 E Brightwood, Bridgewood, OR 97011 Their phone # is (503) 622-4719. Tickets can be purchased at the door, but ladies bring your knee-pads and lip-gloss just in case. SKIDMORE is a pleasant blend of styles, think Santana, Rush, and 2LO. I haven't heard their singer yet, but if he is anything like me, he kicks ass.
Friday night I will be at the Safari with my favorite strippers, Namely, one Mary St. Clare. Cold Coronas, shots of 1800, and titties. That is all I need to say about that. Word.
BooRippinRadly is off to Vegas for the weekend. Hmmm, I wonder which of us will have the better time. The smart money is on brandensbaked, cause that mutherfucker is dialed in. Word.
Well I'm off to clean up my Explorer. Explorer, Safari, hilarious. My life is a fucking riot.
The Banner Jump LIVE!
September 27 @ Rebar in Seattle.
October 8 @ Hansen's in Bremerton.
October 21 @ J.A. Michaels in Port Orchard.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
New Show Added!

The Banner Jump will be appearing LIVE!! at Hansens in Bremerton on Saturday October 8th.
Yes, our hot bassplayer will be there. Will you?
Will the guy in the white baseball hat be there?
I guess you'll just have to show up and find the answers yourself. Former Supercell bassman 2Lo will be taking his new band Butter off of some sweet jumps this Saturday, September 24 in the Mt. Hood, Oregon area. X was too weak to type the details in an unsent email, so we'll nail down the particulars in tomarrow's fact-filled post. Stay tuned. Peace and Titties Mutherfuckers.
brandensbaked has left the building.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
KGB Picked Up By Local Authorities

This KGB cell was picked up Saturday night by local authorities and taken to an undisclosed location for interrogation. "Yeah, we will burn these fuckers with a lighter to get what we want. It's a post 9/11 world", stated a high official who wished to remain anonymous. This may not be the only cell in our area. Citizens should not try to apprehend KGB themselves, but should call an expert for capture and disposal, uh, interrogation.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Madden 2005 Final Notes
The Dawgs sodomized the Vandals. Now I like the state of Idaho, but business is business. Please let this be the start of a rampaging fire island football trend .
The Wolves destroyed the Roughriders of Port Angeles. Now, I was born in P.A. but as I stated before, it's business. It's also football. It's the business of playing football. Way to go fuckers.
If the Shehawks can pull a win out of their ass, we will be back on track. I will not hold my breath.
If I can find a bag of KGB, all will be right in the world.
Thinking about a trip to P-Town next weekend. Dude I know, it's been too fucking long. Life is too short, I've got to keep my priorities straight. Mmmmmmm, I miss you Mary St. Claire.
P.S. This post has an extraordinary number of references that may be construed as "gay". We here at brandensbaked have always thought of pussy as God(titties are angels), and will continue to worship at the "Y". A high number of man on man sex analogies is only a poopy coincidence.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Listen and Repeat
You like music? Well, do you punk?
The new joint from The Jump.
Fucking free kick ass music.
Get it while it's hot. Drop it on your friends.
Tell 'em brandensbaked sent ya.
Now get outa here before I change my mind.
Friday's blatherings
Been smokin' da kief, good for the head but hard on the lungs. The Daily Show special report, "Evolution Smevolution" was a bit of a dud in my opinion. I would have preferred more current events. The Shehawks play the Falcons Sunday, I predict a win for one of them. Dawgs and Idaho, no you da ho, come on Dawgs suck it up! South Kitsap is 0-2. My football world has been turned upside down. Damn you Bush, I don't know how you're doing it, but I know you're involved somehow. Where the hell is the new Tool album?
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Hump Day- Oh Yeah!
My peeps and I are playing the USA Today Pigskin Picks game and I am firmly entrenched in last place. One hundred bucks per, winner takes all. Perhaps I'm playin' possum. Or, maybe just a tough week to pick winners. I'll report and decide.
Jon Stewart is examining the debate over evolution/intelligent design all week on The Daily Show. You want my opinion? Tough shit, you're getting it anyway. It seems the conservatives are all fucking retarded, so putting the word "intelligent" in any conservative theory is an oxymoron. Maybe they would consider renaming said theory to "Retarded Slobberings of Holy Rollers Looking for Hugs". At least I could laugh at that.
Lunch is over, back to the project...
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Finally, Some Good News
U.S. District Judge James Robart(what a stand-up guy) yesterday declared Seattle's 17-year moratorium on processing new strip-club applications illegal and blasted the city for "selectively" upholding the First Amendment.
"Try to be more like P-town, you miserable fucks!" brandensbaked yelled from behind Judge Robart. "They make us drink overpriced non-alcoholic girly man drinks too", brandensbaked sneered. "Tell 'em to sell beer like P-town, or you'll make every titty bar a monorail stop", brandensbaked suggested.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Somebody call 9-1-1
Bush, Cheney, and all them fat cat fuckers are using Katrina just like they used 9/11 and Iraq, to line the pockets of the fucking fascist elite. George, your fucking bitch mother has got, I say, has got to be a tranny. The calves on that bitch, I mean fuuuuuuuck. Was it her tender mothering that made you so fucking incompetent? Did she slip you the finger or what? Fuck all you Bush fucking fucks. Fuck you Holmgren. Go fuck yourself Cheney. I feel better now.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
The Banner Jump: Live!

October 21, 2005- J.A. Michaels in Port Orchard.
All the cool kids will be there, will you?
Hear The Banner Jump Now!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Advice for the male youngsters who wish to rock...

Happy B-day to my bros boy G! Good advice...If you take all your drugs(drop acid at school), tap all the bitches you can(lie if you have too), know the clitoris for it is your friend, shun all organized religon, make and follow your own law, don't accept Canadian coins, never shit at home, never sweat at work, profit in the black market economy, only then will you fucking rock and be a rocking fuck, like your evil uncle brandensbaked!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Labor Day could be better if...
President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894. The occasion was first observed on Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City. A parade was organized by the city's Central Labor Union. I'm glad I don't have to watch a parade on Labor Day. Parades suck.
According to Ted Watt's The First Labor Day Parade, the September date was chosen because it coincided with a Knights of Labor conference in New York. In 1887, Oregon became the first state to make Labor Day an official holiday. Oregon kicks much ass. I guess I would like a parade if it was made up of strippers. Hell, I might even be in a parade if it was all strippers and I could just get table dances for the whole route. Damn, I may be on to something. Stay tuned for the first annual brandensbaked Stripper Day parade! Wow, Stripper Day. Word.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Perhaps I was a tad callus
Other news: Band practice tonight! Hurray! BooRippinRadly is on holiday with DJ K. Went to see Pearl Jam at the Gorge. I fucking love that place this time of year. I saw Stevie Ray Vaughn with BooRippinRadly on his last Washington gig before his untimely death, and the sunset was so beautiful he paused the show to make note of it. Peace and titties.