At first, I don't know where I am, only that I'm not alone. X is there, he's driving. He mutters something about not wanting to get shot. Someone got shot here last week, so X figures this somehow increases his chance of being shot here tonight. "No worries X," I assure him, "I'm packin my one slash eight, and if I whip that shit out, people gonna get fucked up." 2Lo is sitting next to me in the back. He passes that which should always be full. I hit it.... it hits me back. Through the mist, I can see lighted signs. Power? Powder? Ahh, Powell Street. That must be where we are. Suddenly I am aware that we are all seated around a table, but for some reason, we all face the same direction. I am sitting in a barrell chair and it swivels. Music fills the perfume laden air, and we are bathed in ultraviolet light.
I am clutching something in my hand. It's money. I smooth out the bills, all ones. As my wits return, I realize I've been bewitched by a beautiful siren. She is flawless. Her eyes draw me in, I cannot look away. No, wait, those aren't eyes. Where her eyes should be, instead, are two perfectly polished oval mirrors. As she turns, I survey the entire room in the reflection. From the sweet comfort of her gaze I see myself. I look so happy. It is the most honest look I've ever given. This happiness is pure, unpolluted by the oily residue of guilt. The girl strips off her bra and panties and is quickly rewarded witadolla by 2Lo. The Serving Wench returns with ice cold Corona. Half-naked girls moved all around me, brushing by, whispering in my ear. "No thanks, my heart belongs to another", I reply. "She should be up again any minute," and right on cue, she is. She and I share a perfect love, a well defined love, an equal love. "I could stay here forever" I wish outloud. Alas, it must end, for now. I begin my long journey back to my world. Although I must depart, rest assured, I shall return...