So me and Jake are posted up at Tacoma Boy’s Fruit Stand, just off of highway 16 in Tacoma. We were blazing back from Seattle after meeting up with our Mexican friend Jose’, who had just treated us to a batch of his grandmama’s world famous Mexican fudge. Anywho, I digress…The trusty Explorer, who really doesn’t get enough credit, suffered a blowout, and forced us to pull off the highway. A minor setback in most cases, but as a wanted fugitive from justice, I was a touch on the rattled side.(AHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!). After everyone chilled out a couple of degrees, we went inside to inquire about overnight accommodations. Of course, after emptying a can of fix-a-flat into the flat, which remained that way. As you’ve probably ascertained, the shitty part of the whole mess is the fact that after everything is fixed, I will have 3 tires that are the same, and one tire with more tread, making that corner of the car sit 3/16 of an inch higher than the rest of the son a bitch, which will create a roll-over danger. Hmmm. Perhaps I will grab an air shock system and use it to level everything out. Well, I am running low on batteries, so I will give this some thought, and we will pick up the discussion when I get back to SecBase Devonshire…Thanks for your well wishes….Peace-
Unique views on music, politics, life.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Son of a Peach….
Friday, July 27, 2012
Say…Didn’t you used to…
Play drums at my Bethel apt? Oh yeah, you and me got railroaded by the man. Well, you got railroaded, I got slightly city bussed or perhaps mildly taxi cabbed. Good news though, your destination is coming up in 63 miles, uh, I mean days. But you probably know that.. eh Fingers? I can’t wait to hear your lazy ass muck up some double bass, after day 11 of our first run back. 27 gauge to the under-shoulder, Paul Stanly style. Your move.
In other news…I GOT MY KRAMER BACK!!!!!!!!!!! Hell ya lula!
Praise the Gorge! Power to the Peehole. As you can see in this picture, the Kramer is quite musically inclined. Now, I just need to secure a line six pod xt live…. And it is on mutherfuckers…..Oh… It’s on, IT IS ON.
So here I am, following in Richards footsteps, even though, early on, I thought we were nothing alike. But, alas, I live in the same house he lived in, same hobbies, same worship of “things”. Same job title…Retired…Only I have a masters degree in Crimes. Not only that, I am learning to finish the 10,000 little projects before we move on to others. Got my lawnmower and weed whacker running this week…Grass, your ass is grass.
Gonna play with my video and audio equipment all weekend, then come Monday, it’s back to the grind…Of sleeping in and playing with my toys, and my girl. Or is that, sleeping in my girl and playing with my toys. Either way, IT IS ON.
I listened to Iron Maiden’s Somewhere in Time, in its entirety today. Just to be clear. Irene Maiden rules, Iron Maiden drools, SuperCell schools fools. I’m out. Peace and Titties mutherfucks.