It seems like this list is getting awfully long. Strangely enough, it is populated with all of my high school friends. Let’s see. Mike. Ken. Eric x. Jeff. Trevor. Toby. And Bradley is pushing his luck. That’s a lot of bodies. Now, so you can throw him a dirty look if you see him…
Unique views on music, politics, life.
Brandensbaked...The Id of a dude in upper left 'Merica. Trump hater! The creative force behind "American Supercell", a BIG DEAL in the Clover Valley music scene, played guitar in "Bonedawgs", "Banner Jump", and "Musclefuzz". Is proficient in all the manly arts, such as creating art, constructing useful things, mechanics, combat gardening, and respecting women. Possibly an immortal...Time will tell.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
I’m fighting to stay positive, but…
So my friend, we’ll call him “Jeff Hensley” ,anyway, this “Jeff”, is supposed to be one of my best friends. So last summer, we were talking about me doing some work on his rental house. He was supposed to send me some material money to get started, when, he quit communicating, like, fell of the face of the planet. So, I figured he either came out of the closet, or died. Both are acceptable reasons to quit talking to your peeps. Come to find out, that cocksucker isn’t a cocksucker, nor, did he die! Well he should have, because now he is on my list of people who are “dead to me”.
It seems like this list is getting awfully long. Strangely enough, it is populated with all of my high school friends. Let’s see. Mike. Ken. Eric x. Jeff. Trevor. Toby. And Bradley is pushing his luck. That’s a lot of bodies. Now, so you can throw him a dirty look if you see him…
Oh my God! I just had the craziest fucking thought! What if, just bear with me here, all these former friends, are turning into assholes because of something I did? NAH!!! I’m the same laid back, down-to-earth, mofo that I have always been. Perhaps it’s the fact that these people are getting OLD. Luckily for moi, I just stay the same. It’s one of the benefits of selling your soul to the Devil. Peace…
It seems like this list is getting awfully long. Strangely enough, it is populated with all of my high school friends. Let’s see. Mike. Ken. Eric x. Jeff. Trevor. Toby. And Bradley is pushing his luck. That’s a lot of bodies. Now, so you can throw him a dirty look if you see him…
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How many friends you have left? Go have a good long look in the mirror buddy. Never use a blog to diss someone with out having the sack to tell them yourself. Weak-
Are the drugs controlling you? Are you controlling the drugs? You are letting down your family, friends and mostly yourself. Branden you are much better than how you are living. Pull your head out of your ass and look around - time to take your mothers titty out of your mouth and start being your own man
Will the real Branden - please stand up? What the @!)#$
A huge step in getting straight would be to lose all of your retarded friends starting with that girl tard val.
if selling your soul to the devil meant you would be hanging on to your high school days and doing nothing with your life living in your mothers basement at 40 wasting away looks like you made a bad deal
Jeff - here, haven't heard back from you, I assume you dont have the guts to call- whatever- nothing new- you should spend less time blogging and more time filling out a resume.. What happened to you? I had you a job at global, you passed- took you out for dinner and drinks- every night I was in town, and paid, invited you to countless snow trips... Never even a return call. So fuck you dude. What have you done for your friends AND family? Except borrow money, and not pay em back? Or sponge off your mom? Need help? NOTHING- you don't do shit. But cop a high then bitch about your self inflicted shitty life. I know homeless people with more pride.
Nice work- see you landed your ass back in jail??
Maybe sell some heroin? Raise the bail? Or what about the money you got from selling your soul? It might not have been worth much .. But .. Hey.. Sure beats looting your dads stuff!
Let's see...Brad,Brad,Brad,Trina,Brad,Jeff,Brett...Have the balls to sign your smarmy little uninformed, hit-and-run comments fools! As to the first comment...You don't answer my calls bitch.
What homeless people do you know, I WANT NAMES DAMN IT!
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